Thursday, May 30, 2013

Clean Your Plasma Or Lcd T V Securely

Clean Your Plasma or Flat Screen T.V. Safely

Well your income tax return came back and you got a nice little tax refund credit to deposit into your bank account. You've decided to splurge a bit and treat yourself and your family to a nice 40 inch flat screen television ... one finally went on sale and you just COULDN'T pass it up! Excitedly you load it into the car, speed back home with it and set it up in your entertainment center ... and WOW! What a picture !!... suddenly your two year old streaks by at 90 miles an hour as his favorite Disney character flashes across the flat screen and BAM! He smacks his little 'peanut butter and jelly' coated hand right in the middle of your brand new purchase ... and you momentarily think about having a nervous meltdown while you contemplate how in the HECK you're going to get sticky peanut butter and jelly off of your television. Fear not ... the answers you are seeking on safely clean your flat screen tv or plasma television are but an ehow article away! Read on for some simple tricks to take care of your 'sticky situation'.


1. New flat screens, barring two year olds with peanut butter and jelly coated hands, can safely be cleaned with dry anti-static dusters or micro fiber cloths. Start at the top and sweep horizontally from one side to the other in one continuous motion to remove settled dust particles that might be adhering to your flat screen surface. Feather dusters, paper towels, dish cloths, or towels tend to leave 'particles' behind.

2. For general dusting, you can also use a standard blow dryer set on a cool setting to blow dust particles off of your plasma or flat screen monitor to avoid putting pressure on the sensitive screen via your hand or a duster.

3. Some recommend to use a cleaning solution made from 1 part water and 1 part rubbing alcohol to clean your plasma or flat screen tv; however; it is best to use some type of wipe with an anti-static solution (Phillips cleaner seems to be a highly recommended one) to take off 'sticky substances'. To clean your flat screen monitor with a solution, use a microfiber cloth or soft cotton material (maybe an old cotton T-Shirt cut into squares) and wipe gently in a horizontal sweep; never clean your monitor in a circular motion or apply excessive pressure as this can damage your plasma or LCD screen. NEVER use an ammonia based cleaner/solution like window cleaner on your plasma or flat screen tv to clean it. Spray your LCD or plasma screen approved cleaning solution ONTO your micro fiber cloth or cotton material to clean with; never spray solution directly onto your monitor.

4. Before cleaning your LCD or plasma screen monitor; always make sure your TV is off and has cooled off. You should not clean a 'hot' or 'active' TV monitor as this can affect its picture quality.

5. If you think the information provided in this article about properly clean your flat screen tv safely was beneficial in any way; or if you have anything helpful to add; then please don't forget to post your comments before you leave this page! Thank you so much for reading and rating my work here on ehow!

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