Friday, March 29, 2013

Disguise Alcohol Breath

Disguise Alcohol Breath

Drinking alcohol has been a favorite pastime for thousands of years. Unfortunately, the beverage can lead to what many refer to as "alcohol breath." While alcohol breath isn't a big deal when you are among friends or family, it can be embarrassing or even unprofessional if someone else gets a whiff. Follow these simple instructions to keep your breath smelling free of alcohol. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Drink only one kind of alcohol if you want to disguise your breath later. Each type of alcohol has its own scent and mixing different types of liquor or beer will make it difficult to disguise alcohol breath.

2. Suck on cough drops throughout the night. They disguise the smell of alcohol on your breath, and people will be more likely to keep their distance if they think you have a cold. The further away they are, the less likely they are to smell alcohol.

3. Eat aromatic foods after you are finished drinking. Garlic, onions and spicy foods have strong scents, so they will overpower the smell of alcohol. Peanut butter and potato chips also work well if you are worried about disguising stinky breath.

4. Carry a travel size bottle of mouthwash with you and gargle it for at least one minute after you have finished drinking. You can also substitute dissolving breath strips or Altoids mints.

5. Take Bentonite and charcoal capsules after drinking. These can be found in any pharmacy and generally cost around $10. Many experts say this is the most effective way to disguise the alcohol on your breath.

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