Thursday, February 7, 2013

Reduce Mucus Naturally

Excessive mucus can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection, allergies and from smoking. If you have a cold or allergies, you may need to just drink plenty of water and get rest until the symptoms reduce. Warm tea is one natural option to reduce any pain in your throat and to loosen excess mucus. If you continue to have larger chunks of mucus or a harsh sinus infection, you should make an appointment with a doctor to determine the cause of the problem and successfully correct it.


1. Try to reduce any mucus build up by naturally drinking plenty of water, coughing and trying to clear your throat. Make sure to not force coughing too much so that you don't strain your throat. Try coughing two or three times really hard and then drinking a glass of water.

2. Stay away from smoke-filled rooms and try to stop smoking if you do. The more smoke and nicotine that you intake, the more mucus you build up in your lungs. Try exercising more each day as well to help keep your lungs healthy.

3. Eat acidic food that helps to loosen mucus in your throat. For example, mandarin oranges and onions are beneficial for reducing mucus. Also, make sure to not eat as many foods that may give you mild allergies or help build up mucus in your throat.

4. Add 6 tbsp. of honey and 4 tbsp. of powdered turmeric to a clean glass jar and stir well. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory mixture that will help to remove excess mucus and heal respiratory tissue. Take 1 tsp. of the mixture at least three times a day.

5. Make elderflower if you still have mucus that you want to reduce. Add 3 cups of cool water and 3 tbsp. of dried elder flowers to a large glass and stir well. Let the mixture sit for two hours and then heat it up in your microwave. Drink at least 3 cups of the mixture each day to reduce mucus and help with allergy symptoms.

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